The Mission of the Center is to undertake focused high quality interdisciplinary basic and applied research on key areas of environmental issues crossing the boundaries of traditional disciplines to look at the relationship between humans and their environment, natural as well as built, and the sets of relationships between them from a variety of perspective leading to technology development and competency building in various areas related to environmental problems, thereby providing solutions to Indian industry and policy makers. The programs and activities of the CESE are designed to address the needs and challenges to meet the current environmental issues/problems of major industrial sectors, governmental sectors, international agencies and various funding institutions.
The Center will carry out research in different aspects of Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources, Social Sciences, Engineering, including research in the fields of Ecology, Biodiversity, Energy, Biofuel, Aerosols and Air Quality, Water and Wastewater Treatment; Environmental Biotechnology, Clean Technology, Environmental Remediation Technology-filters, membranes and catalysts and adsorbents for effective remediation of contaminants in air, soil and water environments, Environmental Systems Modeling and Optimization; Environmental Impact Assessment, GIS and Remote Sensing, Climate Change Impact Assessment, Municipal/Industrial/Hazardous Waste Management, Engineering and policy solutions to environmental risks; Environmental and Resource Policy; Environment and Developmental Economics; Environmental Management, Environmental Management and Social Ecology; Environmental Ethics; Environmental Governance; Environmental Health and Risk Assessment; Environmental Laws and Policies; Policy Studies, etc.
Through sustainability approach the CESE will strive to find solutions to the stress caused due to pressing global environmental issues such as global climate change, the food production and distribution system, conserving and recovering biodiversity, restoring ecosystem function, etc. The Center will also focus in creating conditions for sustainable businesses and society with environmental approach.
The Center will establish a tripartite relationship between academia, industry and the government agencies to nurture and support growth of environmental science and technology. The Center will also be actively engaged in a variety of outreach programmes, including organizing workshops, conferences, trainings and extension activities, which will attract participants from academia, industries and governmental and nongovernmental sectors.