Now is the time when we should contemplate future directions of phenomenology in particle physics seriously, because no direct and evident signal of new physics has been reported yet till today from the updated CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Due to the null result at the LHC, we should carefully consider how to probe new physics experimentally. In this regard, the physics associated with the flavors (differences coming from matter generations) is one of the most important directions. We can explore deviations from the standard scenario in measurements of precise experiments. I emphasize that their sensitivities can be much greater than those of the direct searches at the LHC. Indeed, several experimental results of finding such deviations have been already reported, and furthermore various experiments targeted at such deviations are ongoing/planned in the near future.
These probes will give us necessary data for unveiling the mechanism to generate differences in flavor, where the standard scenario cannot explain the origin; it just describes phenomena. Also, to pursue fascinating new scenarios which can address the origin in a reasonable matter is an important task.
Due to the above reasons, I believe that the topics associated with the flavors are especially important, and have been studying them in various points of view these days.