Dr. Soumya Pati gained her PhD from the University of Delhi & National Institute of Immunology during 2009, in the area of Biomedical Sciences, and got extensive training in reconstitution of hematopoietic system in lethally irradiated host using genetically manipulated hematopoietic stem cells. Following this she joined the Dept.of Neuroscience, School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia as a postdoctoral fellow and worked in the area involving "isolation and long-term maintenance of embryonic stratial stem cells (ESSCs) from E18 rat embryod to study crucial factors that governs neurogenic poetntial of striatum, also known as "third area in the neurogenesis, or the area where new neurons are born". Her work led to discovery of novel microRNAs crucial for ESSCs maintainance in brain. During her tenure, she recieved many grant awards to support her research work at USM. In 2011, she joined Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, USA to work on “detection of novel biomarkers in idiopathic autism using integrative system biology”. Based on her preliminary findings she received one of the prestigious grant award from Autism Speaks foundation as an independent investigator, USA. During her tenure, she also worked as a visiting fellow for two months in Stanford University to get advanced training in generation and characterization of patient-derived iPSCs.
At present, Dr.Pati's group works in the area of neurological disease modeling, and trying to address many unsolved queries of human brain such as, i) important players controlling microglial biology and behavior across the human brain ages, ii) regulatory factors underlying microglia-dependent neuroinflammation, iii) deciphering metabolic biomarkers in neural fate specifications of human brain and their implications in neurological diseases.
As a part of collaborative research, Dr.Pati's laboratory is also commited towards desiging cellular disease models to understand host-pathogen intreractions underlying deadly parasitic diseases such as cerebral malaria and kalazar. Dr.Pati has published 25 publications, 2 patents; 1 published and the other filed and two book chapters.
Courses undertaken since 2015 for teaching graduate and undergraduates:
CCC 512: Brain Sciences and Cognition (CCC for undergrad-3 credits)
CCC401: Research methodology (From UG & Pre-PhD fellows-3credits)
BIO701: Advanced Cell & Molecular Biology (Core course for PhD fellows-2 credits)
BIO313/526: Cell Signaling & Neuroscience (Major Elective for BS. Biotechnology/pre-PhD-credit 4)
Developed the curriculum for Brain Sciences and Cognition as CCC 512.
Developed Cell Signaling and Neuroscience both at UG and Pre-PhD major electives with basic and advanced course curriculums.
Research Areas:
Determining the metabolic biomarkers involved in neurogenesis and neural fate commitments in human brain and their implications in neurological disease modeling: The study involves generation of iPSC lines and iPSC-derived neurons from indian patients suffering from idiopathic autism. These patient-derived brain cells would then be used as cellular disease models to delineate both metabolomics and transcriptomic signatures for identifying disease-specific metabolic biomarkers.
Untangling complex molecular mechanisms governing plasticity of microglia in human brain: Our laboratory is trying to understand the gene regulatory mechanism in microglia cells, which primes their plastic behaviors, including immunomodulation and neuroprotection in human brain.
Developing cellular disease models to understand host-pathogen interactions for drug discovery platform: Understanding cellular damages triggered by invading pathogen or pathogen derived factors, requires utilization of robust cellular disease models in vitro, which can unravel the novel molecular targets. Our laboratory is committed towards exploring neuro-inflammatory signals underlying onset of pathogenic manifestations of cerebral malaria and also the host innate immune-sensors involved in kalazar.