Simanti Bandyopadhyay is currently associated with School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Shiv Nadar University, India as an Associate Professor in Economics and Public Policy Area in School of Management and Entrepreneurship from April 1, 2015. Her professional experience consists of research, consultancy and teaching for nineteen years. She works on applied development economics, mainly related to public finance and public policy. She works on different policy related issues which are mostly empirical in nature. She has done her Ph.D in Economics on a UGC fellowship from the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and has been an International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) Post-doctoral Fellow at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, USA and Institute of Development Studies, UK. She has visited various universities and research institutions of repute in India and abroad for assignments on research, teaching and research guidance and has also been a recipient of Mac Arthur Foundation Award. A regular contributor of research articles and an external reviewer to many international journals on public policy, economics and operations research, Simanti has led important projects on urban issues and has worked closely with organizations like World Bank, ADB, UNDP, IFMR, ICRIER, Planning Commission and different Ministries and Commissions. She has also been the Chief Researcher for the background study of the Fourth State Finance Commission of the state of Tamil Nadu, India. She learns Hindustani Classical Music (vocal) and has a passion for music in particular and any form of art in general. She takes a lot of interest in cooking, reading, photography and travelling.
Public Finance and Public Policy
Issues related to Industrial Performance in India
Tools for Quantitative Analysis: Statistical and Mathematical Programming Techniques