Meandering of rivers is a spontaneous phenomenon that has been a challenge in the field of water resources and river engineering. The chaotic behaviour of meandering rivers causes spatiotemporal variation in the flood plains, which leads to their shifting or alteration. Structures built across the stream are rendered useless once the course of the stream shifts due to meandering. Also, certain projects that need to be planned and executed near these streams (for example, extension of an airport parallel to the banks of the meandering river), fall under the threat of being washed away or inundation with temporal variation in the stream form. Pilot channel is an artificially constructed channel to direct the main stream along the desired alignment. The present study is carried out for analysis of pilot channel concept using tractive force ratio approach for diversion of Beas River. Analysis of the pilot channel is done by HEC-RAS 4.1.0, which gives the discharge carrying capacity, sediment carrying capacity, bed degradation and aggradations etc. Finally, the validation of the new pilot channel is done with respect to its characteristic features, viz. discharge, sediment load, velocity, sediment carrying capacity and tractive force ratio (pilot channel to old river) etc.