Shrimoy received his PhD from Syracuse University before joining SNU. His research interests include imperial histories of medicine and law. Shrimoy's work seeks to bring together medical history and legal history, as well as oral testimonies and written archival records in conversation with each other. He is presently revising his dissertation towards book monograph, which explores relations British medical service, law and seva inBritish India in the late eighteenth and19th century.
History of British Empire 1 (1700-1813) (U.G)
History of Modern State
South Asia in Historiography (U.G)
The Opium Question (CCC)
Research Interests
a) Histories of technical expertise and dissemination of medico-legal
and forensic knowledge in British India;
b) Intersections of scientific and technical expertise, law and
bureaucracy in colonial and Post-colonial India;
c) Global, colonial and post-colonial histories of medicalization of body
and substances; histories of life insurance and medical crimes in