At Indian Institute of Kanpur (India):
In 1981 in Fine Arts Discipline under Humanities & Social Sciences, I had introduced a new area in interdisciplinary activity Undergraduate Curriculum- Industrial Design, where 'art, science, and technology' could actively participate through academic, as well as research work. At present more than 10 faculty members from Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Aeronautical, Material & Metallurgical Engg Departments, Computer Science & Engineering and Computer Aided Design Lab are regularly participating in the interdisciplinary teaching and project activity. Out of the 12 (UG & PG) design courses every academic year, in an average two to three design courses are being offered to the graduate and undergraduate students. The Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi, had funded to establish a Central Design Studio facility, presently it is known as the Art & Design Studio, in two stages-1989-92 and 1992-95- with a grant of Rs.150, 000.00. In 2003 the Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi has sanctioned a grant of Rs.120, 000.00 for Modernization (MOD) of the Art & Design Studio in Visual Communication. Due to my continuous work the Art and Design Studio has an asset of more than Rs.85.00 lacks. The Lemelson Foundation, 721 NW Ninth Avenue, Suite 225, Portland, OR 97209, USA a major funding agency for design initiatives has recognized the Art & Design Studio at IIT Kanpur as the model for the rest of the country. The foundation in May 2004 mentioned in their report, “…that we would like to explore replication of Dr. Amit Ray's work in Kanpur (for the rest of the country)” The foundation in their second phase is contemplating for funding to the Art & Design Studio.
A moderate infrastructure is built for the U.G. Design Curriculum Development for the design curriculum. The design activities draw a large number of students across the institute. In the last couple of years, students from other engineering colleges are regularly coming for the industrial training (seven students have already completed their training). It has successfully created the interdisciplinary environment and attitude among the students as well as faculty members through a close interaction. Because of the ongoing academic, research, and project activities the Institute has introduced a graduate program in Master of Design to give a new direction in the design education. It is realized that philosophy of environmental study is not yet considered as one of the major components in design education. In the present design courses, Design Ethics and Environmental Design play significant role. Thus, the Art & Design Studio under the Fine Arts Discipline has become the hub of true interdisciplinary teaching, research and industrial collaborative projects. At this moment, there are seven ongoing-sponsored projects under my supervision amounting more than Rs.25.50 lacks. Thus, single handedly I could initiate an interdisciplinary activity in ‘art and design’ and build the infrastructure. The above-mentioned facilities are the only such activity in India where art, science, and technology could create a true interdisciplinary academic and research environment.
In 2002 IIT Kanpur as one of the founding members established the Design Programme (Master of Design Programme) because of the earlier years of continuous teaching and research in Art and Design. I took initiative in developing the Master of Design Programme Curriculum at IIT Kanpur. Since then I am involved in National Design Curriculum Development at Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay.
In 2008 single-handedly I had the opportunity in establishing the Master of Design Programme at IIIT D&M Jabalpur (A Govt. of India Institution). A National Committee constituted by the Institute reviewed the curriculum and approved to begin the new Programme. In a recent initiative I have established collaboration with the Institute of Ergonomics, Darmstadt Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany with IIIT D&M Jabalpur. First exchange of students between Darmstadt TU (3 German students) and IIIT D&M Jabalpur (3 IIITDM M. Des Students) has completed in Dec.2009-Jan. 2011 academic year. I conceived the Ph. D in Design Curriculum and introduced in 2011- 2012 academic year.
2012 October invited by the Shiv Nadar University (www.snu.edu.in ) to establish the Design Department
2014 Introduced the Design Minor Program for UG Student, Shiv Nadar University, India
Work Experience
Professor, IIT Kanpur; IIITDM Jabalpur; Shiv Nadar University