Haze is an aggregation of very fine, widely dispersed, solid and/or liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end network for single image dehazing, which enhances the CycleGAN model by introducing a transformer architecture within the generator, which is specific for haze removal. The proposed model is trained in an unpaired fashion with clear and hazy images altogether and does not require pairs of hazy and corresponding ground-truth clear images. Furthermore, the proposed model does not depend on estimating the parameters of the atmospheric scattering model. Rather, it uses a K-estimation module as the generator's transformer for complete end-to-end modeling. The feature transformer introduced in the proposed generator model transforms the encoded features into desired feature space and then feeds them into the CycleGAN decoder to create a clear image. In the proposed model we further modified the cycle consistency loss to include the SSIM loss along with pixel-wise mean loss to produce a new loss function specific for the reconstruction task, which enhances the performance of the proposed model. The model performs well even on the high-resolution images provided in the NTIRE 2019 challenge dataset for single image dehazing. Further, we perform experiments on NYU-Depth and reside beta datasets. Results of our experiments show the efficacy of the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art in removing the haze from the input image. © 2021 Elsevier Inc.