Seeds of 38 provenances of 15 Eucalyptus spp. (1 provenance of E. acmenioides; 9 of E. camaldulensis; 6 of E. cloeziana; 5 of E. deglupta; 1 each of E. drepanophylla, E. exserta, E. grandis, E. macarthurii, E. maculata, E. microcorys, E. propinqua, E. pyrocarpa and E. resinifera; 4 of E. pilularis; and 4 of E. urophylla) were planted in April 1983 in a nursery in Kerala. Germination percentage, disease incidence and ht. growth were recorded after 10 wk. The pathogens were isolated from infected seedlings and their pathogenicity assessed on 5-wk-old seedlings of E. grandis. Three provenances of E. deglupta (12909, 12976, 12977), E. exserta (13282), E. microcorys (12795), E. propinqua (13321) and E. resinifera (13322) were completely free of infection. The pathogens isolated were C. [Calonectria] quinqueseptatum and Cylindrocladium floridanun (which was frequently associated with E. camaldulensis and E. cloeziana).