Additive Manufacturing (AM) is one of several technological breakthroughs in the world, and Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. Integration of both these domains can create wide variety of materials for new and innovative applications. In certain applications related to the fabrication of intricate structure and complex shapes, nanomaterials can help ease the manufacturing process and enhancement in the properties. This also leads to the development of some new and potential applications in biological sciences, space sciences, agriculture, and medicine. With the approach of using nanomaterials in additive manufacturing, we can make the new technology accessible to the inaccessible and more sustainable by easing the processing of the materials. In the past few years, there have been a lot of advancements in the integration of nanomaterials in AM for various applications. This review briefly comprehends these recent research and future of nanomaterial in AM. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd