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Electrodeposited Heusler alloy films with enhanced magneto-optical property
Karim M.R., Panda D., Adhikari A., Sharangi P., Mandal P., , Bedanta S., Barman A., Sarkar I.
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 25
Growth of Heusler alloy films through techniques other than conventional physical vapor deposition presents a challenge for spintronic materials research. In this study an electrochemical deposition approach for these alloys is demonstrated in which sub-micron thickness control can be achieved. By using magneto optic Kerr effect and Kerr microscopy measurements a systematic study of surface magnetization reversal behavior of these films is presented. The results demonstrate that the growth of sub-micron films of Co2FeSn leads to significant enhancement in magneto optic Kerr rotation. A large Kerr rotation value up to 300 mdeg was observed for thin films of thickness ∼200 nm. The modified scheme reported here opens up a path for exploration of electrochemical method as a facile route for fabricating Heusler alloys with improved surface property. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
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Published in Elsevier Ltd
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