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Cultural characters and growth of Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum isolates
, C. Mohanan, P. Rugmini
Published in
Volume: 22
Issue: 4
Pages: 217 - 226
Isolates of Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum (CQ), which cause leaf blight of Eucalyptus in Kerala, differed significantly in growth and cultural characters on nine different agar media. Malt extract agar and yeast malt agar and yeast malt agar were the best media for discerning differences among the CQ isolates. Of the 11 carbon (C) and 13 nitrogen (N) sources evaluated in liquid media for their differential utilization by the five selected CQ isolates, five each of C and N sources differentiated them from each other. In general, organic N sources supported better growth and micro‐sclerotia production over inorganic and hexose and disaccharide over trisaccharide and polysaccharide. Copyright {\textcopyright} 1992, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved
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