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Controlling blue-violet electroluminescence of Ge-rich Er-doped SiO 2 layers by millisecond annealing using flash lamps
, L. Rebohle, M. Voelskow, M. Helm, W. Skorupa
Published in
Volume: 107
Issue: 2
Systematic evolution of the 400 nm electroluminescence (EL) with increasing flash lamp annealing (FLA) temperature from 800 to 1100 °C in an Er-doped Ge-rich metal-oxide semiconductor structure is presented. No significant change in the 1535 nm Er EL is observed with increasing FLA temperature. Enhancement of the 400 nm EL decay time with rising FLA temperature is found to be associated with recrystallization of the damaged Ge clusters in the absence of Ge outdiffusion. The 400 nm EL quenching with continuous charge injection process is also discussed within the device operation time. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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