Web services provide a promising solution to an age old need of fast and flexible information sharing among people and businesses. Selection of web service has become a tedious job because of the increasing number of service providers providing services with similar functionality. Service registries are becoming very large preventing users from discovering desired service. Sometimes service users may not be aware of services that can be most beneficial to them. Therefore, a framework for selection of web service that can meet the user's specific requirements is needed. In this work, we have proposed a personalized web service recommender system that will be very useful to the user in finding web service matching his/her needs. A recommender system helps product/service user to deal with information overload and provides personalized recommendation to them. There have been a few web service recommendation system in past, but most of them are either content based or collaborative filtering based recommendation. But all of these approaches have their own limitations. In our work we have proposed a web service recommender system based on hybrid technique which takes advantages of collaborative filtering based, content based and knowledge based approaches and minimize there individual limitations. ©2010 IEEE.