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A more realistic approach to pest-management problem
, D.K. Bhattacharya
Published in
PMID: 17372782
Volume: 69
Issue: 4
Pages: 1277 - 1310
The paper deals with integrated pest management (IPM) of a single density-dependent pest affecting a single crop. The model is basically a prey-predator model, predator being the natural enemy of the pest. In addition, it also contains the growth equation of the affected crop. This dynamic model is subjected to biological control in the form of release of additional predators and chemical control in the form of spraying of pesticides. To consider the natural side effect of pesticide on fish living in the soil water, the model is further improved to accommodate the growth equation of the fishes in the soil water. The paper considers the optimal analysis of the model under two control parameters, one is the spraying of pesticide and other one is the release of predators; such optimal analysis under multi-control parameters is completely new of its kind. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
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