One-dimensional diamond nanorods (DNRs) were fabricated from nanocrystalline diamond films using a facile combination of microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and reactive ion etching (RIE) techniques. Structural and electrochemical properties of undoped and nitrogen doped DNRs were thoroughly investigated. A cyclic voltammetry study revealed the increase in density of charge carriers when doped with nitrogen. Mott Schottky analysis was implemented for the quantitative determination of the flat band potential, effective density of charge carriers and energy band diagram, which revealed that the undoped sample exhibit p-type behavior, whereas the nitrogen doped sample showed n-type behavior. Defect related damage due to graphitization and hydrogen termination in the undoped DNRs (during RIE) was correlated with the p-type conductivity. Nitrogen doping induces n-type conductivity and enhances effective density of charge carriers. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd