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Multiplex cancer cell detection by SERS nanotags with cyanine and triphenylmethine Raman reporters
K.K. Maiti, , M. Vendrell, K.-S. Soh, M. Olivo, Y.-T. Chang
Published in
PMID: 21308123
Volume: 47
Issue: 12
Pages: 3514 - 3516
SERS nanotags have been prepared to accomplish the multiplex detection of cancer cells. Herein we evaluated the adequacy of lipoic acid-containing cyanine derivatives (Cy3LA and Cy5LA) to function as multiplex partners with a triphenylmethine Raman reporter (B2LA) under a single excitation wavelength. SERS experiments enabled the multiplex recognition of two different cancer cells with antibody-conjugated nanotags that were derivatized with optimized cyanine and triphenylmethine reporters. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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