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Integrating smart platforms to analyze energy patterns in academic building
Pathak P.A., Budhiraja B., Mann D.
Published in Capital Publishing Company
Pages: 476 - 478
Commercially available software for energy monitoring provide the output in terms of graphs and tables, however, they are limited in visualization of spatial distribution of energy consumption. In this study we have used Samsung Galaxy S4 as the relatively cheaper platform to collect data for temperature and humidity inside an academic block of Shiv Nadar University and visualized it in 3D with other datasets. This study has been treated as an exploration of cellphone based sensors to collect data and integrate it into GIS domain for effective visualization. It was found that the smartphone based data collection is easy, has a potential of crowd sourcing for data collection and can be integrated with GIS with certain additional steps. This study is a part of a grant received by Shiv Nadar University from Dept. of Electronics and IT, Govt. of India. © 2014, Capital Publishing Company.
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Published in Capital Publishing Company
Open Access
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