In this paper, discrete VLF chorus emissions recorded at low latitude ground station Jammu (geomag. Lat. 22° 26/ N, L 1.17) are reported and their characteristics based on complete spectral analysis have been carried out. These discrete chorus emissions are generated during a strong geomagnetic storm period of 2-7 May, 1998. We have computed the sweep rate, repetition period, source region, and drift rate of the individual chorus elements. It is observed that the sweep rate increases with time. To explain the various temporal and spectral features of these emissions, a possible generation mechanism has been presented based on the backward wave oscillator (BWO) regime in the magnetospheric cyclotron maser. On the basis of this model, we have computed some discrete chorus emission parameters as well as magnetospheric parameters relevant to the generation process. A comparison of the computed and observed magnetospheric parameters has been presented. These results show a good agreement with the BWO model. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.